Kirchhoff Law for Electrical Engineering

Kirchhoff Law for Electrical Engineering

For complex circuit computations, the following two laws first stated by Gutsav R. Kirchhoff (1824-1887) are indispensable.

Kirchhoff Law for Electrical Engineering

Kirchhoff's First Law (Point or Current Law)
The sum of the currents entering a junction is equal to the sum of the currents leaving the junction.

i.e., Sum of Currents entering = Sum of currents leaving.

Kirchhoff's Second Law (Mesh or Voltage Law)
The sum of e.m.f. (rise of potential) around any closed loop of a circuit equals the sum of the potential drops in that loop.

Considering a rise of potential as positive (+ ve) and a drop of potential as negative (-ve), the algebraic sum of potential differences (voltages) around a closed loop of a circuit is zero.

Sum of E - Sum of IR drops = 0 (around closed loop) i.e. Sum of E = Sum of  IR or Sum of Potential rises = Sum of potential drops

Applications of Kirchhoff s Laws

Kirchhoff's laws may be employed in the following methods of solving networks:
1. Branch-current method.
2. Maxwell's loop (or mesh) current method.
3. Nodal voltage method.

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